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Techniques To Improve Seo Rankings

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Seo Rankings is a must for every business these days, so seo services india brings you all with latest seo strategies to boost your business & its rankings on SERP’S.

Here are 7 SEO strategies suggested by seo services India that every business needs to adopt:

Useful, High-Quality, Relevant Content

‘Dwell time’ is the amount of time for which guests stay on your website before they log off. This estimate represents the value as well as visitors’ interest in your site. With engaging and authentic content and visual presentation, visitors tend to stay longer.

Page Load Speed

Most search engines also consider the loading speed in their SEO ranking algorithm.

One can verify how the loading speed improved after the optimization by studying the Google Speed Insights report. Know more about page speed with seo services India.

 Image Optimisation

seo services in delhi help to make sure the visual communication of your site works well on the SEO front. It is an instinct that users are more likely to respond to images before reading the content.

Therefore, an informational and appealing image can lead to positive purchasing attitudes. know more about image seo in our latest blog.

 Header Tags

Nobody desires to read a wall full of text without segmentation and the difference between standard content and the big idea.

The SEO services India helps to differentiate among headings. This best seo services in india bring visual effects that help visitors follow your content more easily.

 Outbound Links

Linking out to strong authority sites can support customers to find helpful and credible sources of information.

Also, this can significantly add to your site’s relevance. The more fit is your content, the more prominent the ability to displayed as the first article on the result list.


Even a visitor with adequate language ability will not be willing to digest a wall of code and characters.

Many SEO services in India believe that readability is another factor that Google uses to rank websites.
seo services india make your website easy to read and understandable.

 Social Sharing

Social sharing helps to optimize your SEO ranking instantly.
Social Network Sites have become well-developed than ever before.

Best SMO services in Delhi uses social sharing as it significantly contributes to customer’s buying power.

Importance of Website Page loading speed

Importance of Website Page loading speed

Website Page loading speed is a Google ranking factor. If your website takes too much time to load, you will likely see a decrease in rankings. Google has been testing a new update that warns users about the speed of the site. If it usually takes a lot of time to load, Google will show it in the red color. If it loads quickly, users will see a green color with a message that the site loads faster. Even the best SEO companies in India will agree with me on this matter.

Here are some more reasons for Importance of Website Page loading speed

Site Speed Affects Bounce Rate

According to Google, as your Website Page loading speed time goes from one second to three-second, the bounce rate increases by 32%. If the time goes to five seconds, the probability of bounce increases by 90%. If it takes more than 10 seconds to load your website, the bounce rate will be as high as 123%.

This indicates that apart from search engines, users also hate slow loading websites. Another interesting study revealed that a one-second increase in the loading time decreases the conversion rate by 7%.

Site Speed is a Component of Page Experience Update

Google said it would be launching the Page Experience update in 2021. One of the core elements of the Page Experience update is the Website Page loading speed. To be precise, it focuses on the Largest Contentful Paint and First Input Delay.

Largest Contentful Paint refers to how much time it takes to load the largest element of your site. Google says it should be less than 2.5 seconds.

First Input Delay refers to the time when a user first interacts with your web page. Google says it should be less than 100 milliseconds.

If not, your website will see a decline in rankings as soon as Google launches the Page Experience update.


If you want your website to rank higher and provide your ideal customers with the best possible experiences, it is imperative to boost your Website Page loading speed. If you need help with it, contact the most affordable SEO company in India, i.e., SEO Services India.

SEO Services India is an all-in-one SEO company in India that can help you boost your website’s speed and ranking in search engines. With a specialized in-house SEO team, our experts are well-versed with search engine ranking techniques and its updates.

Why a Business Needs Both SEO and PPC: Two Is Better Than One

Which one is better ppc seo

Many marketers believe PPC is better than SEO, while others believe the opposite. Though they both are distinct strategies, they have only one goal, i.e., boost website traffic. When used together, you will get the maximum benefit from each.

If you’re new to SEO or PPC, it is recommended to hire the best SEO services in India. They will ensure that you get the maximum return on investments.

Here are a few reasons why your business needs both SEO and PPC.

1. Better Online Visibility
When you use both SEO and PPC, your visibility in the SERPs will increase significantly. Searchers will get to see your website twice in the SERPs, which can increase the web traffic. It also leaves the impression that you’re an established business in your industry.

2. Data from PPC can be used to Fuel SEO Strategies
As you know, SEO is a long-term strategy, while PPC gives results from day one. It requires a lot of time to check if your SEO strategy is compelling enough. But, what works for PPC often works for SEO. This means you can gather enough insight in less time. You’ll have a good idea of how to create title tags, write meta descriptions, and page content that both your audience and Google loves.

3. Improved Quality Score
Optimizing your website for SEO means eliminating any possible errors in your site. As you might know, Google considers the quality of the landing page to give an ad a quality score. A page that has been SEO’d correctly often exceeded the requirement to garner a high-quality score. This, in turn, will reduce the cost-per-click for you.

4. Use expensive PPC Keywords in your SEO Strategy
PPC gives you a clearer idea of what keywords your target audience is using to find your business in real-time. Besides, the most used keywords are often expensive and require a huge marketing budget. But, you can use the insight to fuel your SEO strategy.

If you’re looking for an SEO company in Delhi, then you’re at the right place. SEO Services India is the Best SEO company in Delhi. We have a separate team for PPC management services and SEO services, yet the two teams collaborate once in a while to provide you the best possible results.

If your goal is to make your business grow, contact us right now.